Travel Haha's

Started by CowGirl, March 22, 2007, 09:49:11 AM

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i aM A NoBoDy, NoBoDy iS PeRfEcT, tHeReFoRe, I'M PeRfEcT!


Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful


Funny, and believable. I bet the 'FAT' one has happened many times.
"Bleed all over them, let them know you're there!"


Hippopotamous that is a classic!!  Same with Pepsi-cola and computer plane!!

Darren Dirt

New license plate coming out this year -- "FLORIDA: THE THIN STATE" ;D

Some pretty funny stuff elsewhere on that site too. Apparently there was a whole "Down with the letter E" movement that I had missed:

Also, the site owner is apparently a hug scifi/fantasy fan, lotsa funny quotes including a ton from Buffy/Angel " (Spike, 'voice over')How can I thank you, you mysterious black-clad-hunk-of-a-knight-thing? ..." Classic! :D

Strive for progress. Not perfection.