Nice Movie-Trailer-Making industry, would be a shame if something happened to it

Started by Darren Dirt, May 01, 2017, 10:46:39 PM

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Darren Dirt WATSON AI taking over!

Watch this trailer for the cyber-horror film "Morgan" with an open mind.

Be honest, does it @%&# with your brain and send shivers down your spine, like it did to me?

Because apparently no humans were involved, instead *IBM'S WATSON* tech analyzed the movie and made this trailer. YIKES! Overlords, etc. etc.

Also, I woulda loved to see this movie in theatres! But apparently it already got released in September 2016 (!?) Dang, maybe they went crazy with the intriguing casting and creepy mood/tone but failed to have an actually decent story... Did anyone hear about it?


Strive for progress. Not perfection.

Mr. Analog

I saw this a while back (I could have sworn I posted it) and it was a little too disjointed for me to feel much. I think going in knowing that it was generated may have impacted my judgement.

Another area that is interesting is computer-based music composition, there's a system that's been running for a while that generates nothing but ragtime music based on all available ragtime music, its interesting because it keeps trying various permutations of themes and then a real composer guides it somewhat so that it sounds good. There are much more advanced versions of this (last time I checked) that were incorporating more instruments (beyond piano)

If memory serves the soundtrack to Portal 2 was dynamically driven, so each playthrough has similar musical themes however the arrangements can be wildly different depending on what you are doing.
By Grabthar's Hammer