for us old farts who can't quite cut it in modern games...

Started by Darren Dirt, January 06, 2011, 09:58:48 AM

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Darren Dirt


Strive for progress. Not perfection.

Mr. Analog

Well, I haven't watched the video yet but I think there is a growing problem with video games, there isn't really an age gap but there is a growing skill gap.

I have a lot of fun playing stuff like Team Fortress 2, Street Fighter and Black Ops, but the matchmaking does not account for skill and will very often set you up against one of two types of people:
1. People who will kick your ass rather easily
2. People who know they suck and just fart around

Only at LAN parties or in private groups do I find other gamers that are willing to play at a "casual" level and actually make things fun. Of late I've really been considering my XBL subscription, I've pretty much given up playing against anyone out there in the Ether, mostly because I find those random people to be VERY annoying. Either they're out to push their own stats by raping anyone who doesn't play 20 hours a week or they are just gibbering mounds that don't even bother playing the game (they'd rather play the theme tune to "Sonic the Hedgehog" over and over than play the game).

I don't know when this culture of stupid started or if it was always there and I'm just noticing it now but it makes online play undesirable, time that I would much prefer making art or playing awesome single player titles.

By Grabthar's Hammer