Righteous Wrath Online Community

General => Lobby => Topic started by: Darren Dirt on June 05, 2005, 11:59:42 PM

Title: Species 8742 vs. The Shadows
Post by: Darren Dirt on June 05, 2005, 11:59:42 PM
 A constant question on the minds of my fellow Americans is, of course - if you have been watching the national news this week - would Species 8742 (of the Star Trek Universe) beat The Shadows (of the Babylon 5 Universe) in an all out deathmatch? And what corporate sponsors would be willing to pay for primo ad space?

Thankfully, the wisdom of mass internet forumpostification has brought us an answer to this puzzle, or at least the first question: http://www.electricferret.com/fights/alienanarchy.htm

Don't have the wherewithall to sift through juvenile musings and pontificating pretentious posing? Then here's a pretty darn esoteric hint to save you such time-consuming sifting: "Nobody can take a Lovecraft creation."

I for one can now rest easier at night.

And may I add a footnote, one would think the http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Vorlons]Vorlons[/URL] would have been a fairer match-up to The Species, as they also have the biological vessels and all but aren't... well, I don't want to say any more for fear of being guilty of spoilers and such.

Darren Dirt,
Your Daily Show Intergalactic Fictitious War Correspondent.
