Black-White Differences in Tipping

Started by Darren Dirt, April 22, 2005, 02:14:43 PM

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Darren Dirt

 Before I am labelled as somehow "racist" (from *this* group? HAH! notbloddylikely) I gotta say this is food for thought that I found linked as evidence to support some arguments made in a (surprisingly logical!) IMDB discussion -  here.

And I also gotta say, PC (Political Correctedness) is neither political nor correct. Okay so it may be political (whatever that means - I've heard it described as "poly + ticks = many blood suckers") but PC is certainly not correct. And by "not correct" I mean "not right" but also "not worth the effort cuz anybody could be offended by anything nowadays" :rolleyes:

Cornell study (PDF) here -->

Strive for progress. Not perfection.