"Right you are, Ken." :D

Started by Darren Dirt, April 05, 2006, 05:04:43 PM

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Darren Dirt

Need a laugh?

Oh boy, do I!

Okay then,

Memorable Quotes from "Most Extreme Elimination Challenge"


Sadly, it's a short list, but still funny to replay in your head if you've seen the punny episodes that are included :D

...maybe TV.com will be more detailed: http://www.tv.com/most-extreme-elimination-challenge/show/19800/episode_guide.html

Strive for progress. Not perfection.


Quote[about a contestant in "Adult Entertainment vs. Home Improvement"]

Vic Romano: He's a sheet rocker moonlighting as a tub caulker.

Kenny Blankenship: Tub caulker? He likes fat chicks?

Vic Romano: I wouldn't know, Kenny.

Kenny Blankenship: So what does he do with his caulk?

Vic Romano: He puts it in the crack.

Kenny Blankenship: Oh, so he's in porn, then.

Vic Romano: Kenny, listen, he's in construction.

Kenny Blankenship: [confused] You say he sticks his caulk in the crack, but he's in construction... I thought you said he was a sheep stalker.

Vic Romano: I said a *sheet rocker*. Plus, I was talking about caulking compound.

Kenny Blankenship: He built a place to do this?

Vic Romano: Caulking! It's used to fill cracks!

Kenny Blankenship: Am I missing something here?

Vic Romano: Well, thanks to you, Kenny, we've pretty much missed this entire run!

Heh heh
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful

Mr. Analog

I love that show! It makes me seem normal.
By Grabthar's Hammer

Darren Dirt

For quotes, TV.com has a separate list for each episode; the following is from just one of them: Meat Handlers and Cartoon Voice Actors :)

Vic: She's a professional masticator.

Kenny: Vic, you can't say that on TV!

Vic: No, Kenny, she pre-chews meat for the elderly.

Vic: Well, the meat handlers took it on the rump, and those toonies - they really beat some meat today, eh, Kenny?

Kenny: (After Rob Tussin does his infamous headplant and then gets up and tries his luck at Sinkers and Floaters) God, he's still going! Oh, he must be feeling really stupid!!

Vic: I don't think he's feeling anything from the neck down, Kenny.

Strive for progress. Not perfection.