Halo Helmet :P

Started by Stewie521, January 27, 2011, 05:19:13 PM

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Hey guys, long time since my last post, but I'm constructing a Halo 3 Spartan helmet, and I'm sorta stumped on how to get the tinted visor. Any suggestions?

Mr. Analog


The two most common ways of creating clear costume pieces are:

1. Using resin

2. Fabrication from clear acrylic

Resin can be a pain and might take some getting used to if you haven't played with it before. But it's cheap, so if you screw up the only big cost was time. (The last time I played with resin was model railroading).

On the other hand fabrication is just a matter of money and tools, order up some clear arcylic from a supplier (like http://www.westwardplastics.co.uk/b_acrylic_sheet.php ). There are guides out there in cosplay-land that show how to heat and bend plastic to shape but again, IANAC so... lots of research ahead in that regard I should think.

Now! All that said, there are some awesome how-to guides out there!

By Grabthar's Hammer


Ya, I'd heard of the 405th, the other day, but they never said what to do about the visor... They always seemed to just "have" it.