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Started by Thorin, November 30, 2010, 12:29:14 PM

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We're finally getting to do a nice new green-field development project at my work.  As we're looking at what they want us to develop, we're also looking at what tools we'll probably use and if there's anything new that might help us.

This project is definitely a web project, and we're a Microsoft shop, so we'll be trying out ASP.NET MVC.  Along with that, we hope to use jQuery to make snappy, responsive pages.  In my looking at jQuery tutorials, I came across this really neat tool called JSLint.  JSLint lets you check your JavaScript source for common problems, to try and keep it cleaner and more maintainable.  JSLint follows the Code Conventions For The Javascript Programming Language.

Neat stuff, even though it isn't exactly brand-new (2002, I think?).

Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful

Mr. Analog

First let me say:

1. WhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAA? They're letting you guys do your job there??

2. JSLint is an awesome code-checker, I can't tell you how many times I've scripted something and then found a problem way before release, it's like a little compiler/debugger. Definitely something you want in the ol' developers toolbox.

I guess the only negative thing I have to say is that sometimes you have to code something a certain way for no good reason (business "reasons" usually :P ) and when I was using it there was no easy way to mark something as "unclean" so that the tool would ignore it... not that you should do bad things with JavaScript... but it happens...

I guess I better bone up on it since I'm going to be scripting a while lot more with my move to ASP.NET MVC (didja know that the "MVC" in "ASP.NET MVC" doesn't actually stand for Model View Controller?)
By Grabthar's Hammer


Yeah, kinda nice.

What does the "MVC" stand for then?  On MSDN, they say
    "The MVC framework includes the following components: Models [..] Vews [..] Controllers"
    "The System.Web.Mvc namespace contains classes and interfaces that support the ASP.NET Model View Controller (MVC) framework"

Especially that second one seems to indicate that MVC means Model View Controller...
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful

Mr. Analog

Way back when it first hit the street it was called "Microsoft View Controller" but this was absurd and so all the marketing lingo changed.

If you watch some of the older tutorial vids they still refer to it that way.

It is MVC though, some goof in marketing thought he'd be clever though, good thing they put that away eh!
By Grabthar's Hammer