Righteous Wrath Online Community

General => Tech Chat => Topic started by: Darren Dirt on January 09, 2019, 11:01:57 AM

Title: Fisher-Yates shuffle -- visualized with some cool d3.js
Post by: Darren Dirt on January 09, 2019, 11:01:57 AM

one of countless examples of the wide variety of d3.js awesomeness possible -- https://d3js.org

"Using Vision to Think"
wow, this is a really cool way to understand complex algorithms.
Skim the page as it describes some algos, and imagine if there were only words, no animations!
For example (especially?)  https://bost.ocks.org/mike/algorithms/#maze-generation (maze paths are just TREES, folks)

^ and on the topic of COLOUR, there is a link from there to "Rainbow Maps Considered Harmful" -- Mr. Analog might find this interesting: