IE 7 On its way

Started by Melbosa, February 18, 2005, 11:47:25 AM

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Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!

Darren Dirt

 Gee, couldn't be because of all the "entire office switching to FireFox" articles in mainstream news, could it? ;)

Strive for progress. Not perfection.


 I am waiting for MS to pull a patent on FireFox some how.

FireFox ripped off that yellow warning bar that drops from the top of the window when an addon or control needs to be installed or a popup is blocked. That appeared in the SP2 version of IE before FireFox I am fairly sure.

Little hope for IE7 being any better a while back there where some posts in a blog from the guy heading up IE development it went something like this.

MS:" So what does everyone want to see in IE"
User: " More standards compliance"
MS: "What do you mean? IE is the most standards complient browser on the market"
User: "Implement the W3C stardards."
MS: "We do"
User: "Not all of them"
MS: "We can't implement all of them"

I think I will have to look for the link.. It seemed that MS was having a hard time understanding that their browsers was not all that standard complient and how webpage developers want something that conforms to the W3C Specs


 From what i found on a few websites with more info; it seems that its going to "expand" on the SP2 additions.  So im not sure that means more standards, more features, or just more security?

Either way, its nice to see that the project hasnt been totally aborted.

Mr. Analog

 As a developer, I worry about what they might do to their scripting model. *shudder*
By Grabthar's Hammer


 That has been my biggest issue as of late.  Ive been using a ton more scripting in my code to make things appear, auto-finish, etc.  The problems come in the whole compatibility.

I envy your IE only shack.


 This is a good point.. Notice how many MS pages had to be updated to display an extra notice to SP2 users to allow Active X controls in the little yellow warning bar.