Madden 2006

Started by Shayne, August 10, 2005, 01:04:39 PM

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 ...what a disappointment.  Exclusivity shows its ugly head in the very first year.

Mr. Analog

 Well, I'm sure there have to be some good non-NFL licensed football games with custom player stats editors that other people have filled in ;)
By Grabthar's Hammer


 I see no point in playing an Non-NFL game :P  I watch the NFL, ive been to NFL games, so playing with Wicky Rilliams (first letter reversed) just doesnt float my boat.  Its like watching the CFL, its just amature hour.

Its not exactly a bad game, lets call it 2005 SP1.  Its really nothing more then a few small features added.

Lets hope the 360 version is stellar.  Ive got it preordered along with PGR3.


 I was hoping they would take a hint from some of the features ESPN 2005 NFL had in it, but yeah I have the same response you do Shayne.
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