Righteous Wrath Online Community

General => Help => Topic started by: Lazybones on November 28, 2005, 12:51:57 AM

Title: IE Tab extention for firefox
Post by: Lazybones on November 28, 2005, 12:51:57 AM
I love using firefox but there as some sites out there that require IE still.

The IE Tab (https://addons.mozilla.org/extensions/moreinfo.php?id=1419&application=firefox) extension opens up the IE browser engine inside a firefox tab.. All you have to do is set the sites that NEED to be opened in IE and the extent ion will do it automatically.

I have started using this for checking my OWA webmail from home.. There is another extension that will forward links to IE and open it but I think this is much better because  it doesn't break my tabbed browsing experience.

Also would be handing for compairing how a page looks in IE and Firefox because you could just tab back and forth.
Title: IE Tab extention for firefox
Post by: Thorin on November 28, 2005, 09:16:07 AM
Wow, now that is hilarious.
Title: IE Tab extention for firefox
Post by: Tonnica on November 28, 2005, 12:25:24 PM
Sweet! Very nice util. I was just thinking to myself the other night "wouldn't it be great if I could cram IE into a joyous, manageable little tab just like what Firefox does instead of resorting to a hojillion windows?" and lo, a plugin!

The future of having a hojillion browser windows open on my home PC is now a thing of the past!