Righteous Wrath Online Community

General => Game Chat => Minecraft => Topic started by: Thorin on June 20, 2012, 04:11:32 PM

Title: Kids on the server
Post by: Thorin on June 20, 2012, 04:11:32 PM
So I've been thinking about getting my six year old a Minecraft subscription (he already plays pocket edition and loves it) and I'd like to get him going on our server.  However, most of our users are adults (only one teen I know, also mine), so I thought I'd better check to see if anyone minds.  So, any concerns with that?
Title: Re: Kids on the server
Post by: Mr. Analog on June 20, 2012, 04:14:46 PM
I don't mind, may want to get Tom to install a word filter plugin though.
Title: Re: Kids on the server
Post by: Tom on June 20, 2012, 04:18:07 PM
I don't mind at all.

We may have to add a new line to the motd though, or I mod the server a tad, to support bukkit/forge plugins to allow things like filtering words and the like.
Title: Re: Kids on the server
Post by: Thorin on June 20, 2012, 04:45:01 PM
I don't necessarily shield my kids from bad language - instead I teach them what bad words are and why they shouldn't say them (or if they're in that pre-teen / teen stage of their lives, when it's fine to swear like a sailor and when they really need to watch what they say).  Also, we're not exactly talking like a bunch of sailors on shore leave when we're on the server :)

That said, if you guys feel more comfortable with a word filter, that's fine.

As Mr A said to me before, it'd be interesting to see what a six year old builds :)
Title: Re: Kids on the server
Post by: Tom on June 20, 2012, 04:46:58 PM
Quote from: Thorin on June 20, 2012, 04:45:01 PM
I don't necessarily shield my kids from bad language - instead I teach them what bad words are and why they shouldn't say them (or if they're in that pre-teen / teen stage of their lives, when it's fine to swear like a sailor and when they really need to watch what they say).  Also, we're not exactly talking like a bunch of sailors on shore leave when we're on the server :)

That said, if you guys feel more comfortable with a word filter, that's fine.

As Mr A said to me before, it'd be interesting to see what a six year old builds :)
Ok, well if there's any issues you see, let me/us know.  I wont bother with a filter unless other people want it.