Some cool "Life Lessons" from WoW :)

Started by Darren Dirt, June 26, 2007, 09:31:39 AM

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Darren Dirt

Moderation just didn't work. I had to give it up cold-turkey, canceling my account and throwing out the install disks. With my newfound time, I had a kid, wrote a couple of movies and directed one of my own.

I have few regrets about giving up Warcraft. But in retrospect, I did learn some valuable things from my time in Azeroth, lessons that have stuck with me. So I thought I'd share a few.

1. Kill injured monsters first
2. Grinding is part of the game...
3. ...But grinding is not the game
4. Give away stuff to newbies
5. Keep track of your quests
6. Storage is costly
7. Overthinking takes the fun out of it

as told by screenwriter John August

Strive for progress. Not perfection.