XBox 360 Games on Horizon

Started by Melbosa, January 05, 2006, 03:51:31 PM

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Some really interesting titles coming.  I can't wait to see the following two, outside of Halo 3 :P

"Full Auto"

Originally planned as a launch game for the Xbox 360, SEGA surprised a lot of people when they announced that the game wouldn't be coming until sometime in 2006. This was particularly a shock for those of us that saw the game at E3 2005, where its blend of furious arcade-style racing and stunning, smooth graphics blew us away. So why the delay? Well, apparently SEGA wanted to make sure that the online component was flawless, and they probably also figured that going up against Microsoft's sure-to-be-uber-popular Project Gotham Racing was a dangerous move. We're hoping that the gamble pays off in a big way.


While a few people have compared the game to EA's Burnout series, this game has a lot more going for it than just pure speed. The most notable addition is the over-the-top weaponry that you'll find strapped to the hood of your car, allowing you to blast not only the other racers, but also the environment around you. After all, what better way to take out the competition than to drop a building on them. You'll also have the ability to rewind time (similar to the mechanic seen in the Prince of Persia games), allowing you to correct any mistakes you might have made. If you've got a lead foot and an itchy trigger finger, this is the Xbox 360 game for you.

"Burnout Revenge"

For the last few years, Criterion's Burnout franchise has been setting the gaming world on fire. Literally. The series' combination of insanely fast racing and car-shredding crashes is unparalleled in the racing genre, and everyone was overjoyed to hear that it would be coming to a next-gen machine. With the addition of some new Xbox Live features (including the ability to upload and share your greatest hits with your friends), as well as better visuals all around, this will be one hot game.

While we aren't exactly sure how the Xbox 360 version of the title will differ from the current-gen iterations, you can be sure that it'll look a whole lot prettier. Of course, anyone who played the previous games will know that that's really saying something, as they were some of the most amazing looking games we've ever seen. You'll now see the vehicles take more cosmetic damage, break apart more realistically (perhaps "shatter" would be a better word), and explode into, er, bigger balls of flame. Best of all, thanks to the 360's hefty media capabilities, you won't have to listen to any more of those pesky EA Trax!
Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!


Right now im eager to see.

Top Spin 2

Full Auto

Ghost Recon