You know your Intro to Programming Course is @%&#ed when...

Started by Mr. Analog, January 20, 2009, 04:12:00 PM

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Mr. Analog

Saw this on a buddy's tweet and just about blew water out my nose...

QuoteI suppose every geek has had this same feeling before. You take a seat in the front row of your first Introduction to Programming lecture, all worked up about the fact that here, finally, is a class you can be on top of. The professor walks in, gives a little introduction, and you realize it?s going to be a long, long semester.

Some absolute pips include:

  • The object code generated by a C++ compiler is almost identical to that produced by a Java compiler.
  • FOTRAN, COBOL, Ada and Smalltalk were not general purpose languages.
  • C was the first language to run on UNIX systems. All languages before C ran only on Windows.

Ahhhhhh, you know you're @%&#ed when...
By Grabthar's Hammer