"Pinky" sings the Animaniacs' "Nations of the World" song!
original classic from "Anaimaniacs":
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfpuN2XQ4f4 (better synced version here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONyKu9cMG7k))
"Yakko Warner" was voiced by Rob Paulsen, same guy who did "Pinky". Found this linked from:
famous Pinky and the Brain ep bowing to Orson Welles (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuzBA_0c27I)!
Personally, I think Maurice Lamarche sounds more like Kif Kroker than Orson Welles (haha now you can't watch Futurama without seeing Welles acting out Kif's lines can you!), but hey I couldn't do better... (Mr. Analog might, but I couldn't!)
secret link displaying Welles' comic timing (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oU326T31U-U) Bob Newhart too, as a reward for your thoroughness. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4kfj6oKst0&NR)
This is interesting because I just plodded through all the first season! Classic, classic show. Full of comedy, music and wit.
That wasn't pinky ::) That was plain Yakko Warner. Pinky is much more annoying. :)
Quote from: Tom on August 15, 2006, 05:33:51 PM
That wasn't pinky ::) That was plain Yakko Warner. Pinky is much more annoying. :)
"Hence" the "quotes". It's the "same" voice "actor", sorry I was "unclear". ;)
Why even mention Pinky? The voice actor did Yakko, and thats Yakko's voice...
Because I was looking at P&tB video clips and some ComicCon interviews with the voices of same, and that's where I found the classic Animaniacs song being performed live -- at one of the ComicCon's (when the attendees were more interested in the 2 actors' involvement in P&tB).
Okay, that's all the justifying I'm doing for this. ::) ;)