Righteous Wrath Online Community

General => Game Chat => Topic started by: Mr. Analog on August 24, 2013, 06:40:46 PM

Title: Saints Row IV
Post by: Mr. Analog on August 24, 2013, 06:40:46 PM
So I had this one pre-ordered a while ago, as Saints Row the Third was a surprising amount of fun and I for sure wanted more of that action!

I'm not sure what to make of this yet, it gives you what you liked from the first game plus crazy ass super powers. The downside so far is that while there is a lot of mission variety some parts drag on a little long (or maybe it's me collecting stuff and playing mini-games instead of following the story haha) and some of the mini-games completely different with things like super speed / jump!

This really is a game all about exploring stuff and collecting stuff, all so you can boost your powers. The powers are freaking incredible, they really open the game world up for you, it gives you a lot of power early on which is pretty cool. Makes me wonder what the end game content is going to be like.

The story mode is off the wall hilarious (as is expected) but there really isn't a curve to the story, in SR3 you really felt a progression going through Steelport, now you're basically a superhero and the only bad guys to fight are aliens (rather than various gangs and their leaders). I'm pretty sure I'm still in the early stages yet so we'll see how it goes

All in all, a lot of fun!
Title: Re: Saints Row IV
Post by: Mr. Analog on August 24, 2013, 07:48:07 PM
Favourite gun so far? Dubstep gun

It's just ... it just works LOL
Title: Re: Saints Row IV
Post by: Mr. Analog on August 25, 2013, 10:18:02 PM
There is something about this game, I put in 12 hours over the weekend.

I'm a sucker for minigames and collecting stuff I guess
Title: Re: Saints Row IV
Post by: Mr. Analog on August 26, 2013, 09:12:42 AM
Did I mention the kick ass music?

Title: Re: Saints Row IV
Post by: Mr. Analog on August 29, 2013, 08:34:36 AM
Well, I figured out why I like this game so much.

It combines GTAIV with City of Heroes
Title: Re: Saints Row IV
Post by: Darren Dirt on August 29, 2013, 10:06:47 AM
Quote from: Mr. Analog on August 29, 2013, 08:34:36 AM
Well, I figured out why I like this game so much.

It combines GTAIV with City of Heroes

Title: Re: Saints Row IV
Post by: Mr. Analog on August 29, 2013, 11:19:21 AM
The best part is you get your powers pretty early on, I know I've spent hours just bouncing around collecting stuffs

The game is very silly and way over the top, but really REALLY cathartic after a long day at work

Having the powers also opens up new possibilities that the game rolls with, for example I had a mission where I was supposed to steal a particular car within the simulation and bring it to a point, well you COULD drive the car (I guess) OR you could use your telekinesis power to pick it up and just bounce your way to where it's supposed to go :D

It's kind of pricey now so if you aren't a huge fan of the series you may want to wait until the price comes down a bit, then again if you're like me and will probably put in more than 20 hours it's cheaper than the movies :)

Meanwhile I will keep shooting aliens with the gun that makes instant music videos...
Title: Re: Saints Row IV
Post by: Mr. Analog on September 18, 2013, 08:41:08 AM
Ok, so after dinner last night I was playing a bit more SRIV and started doing a couple of main story missions ... one of them turned the game into a side scrolling beat 'em up like Final Fight or Streets of Rage... it was frickin' hilarious and very clever.

This game tickles me just the right way sometimes...