Righteous Wrath Online Community

General => Game Chat => Topic started by: Darren Dirt on December 23, 2013, 04:03:04 PM

Title: Youtube starting to get pressured to remove "Let's Play" footage!?
Post by: Darren Dirt on December 23, 2013, 04:03:04 PM

I guess really recently there's been a huge increase in "takedown" of videogame play footage ... wtf... But the good news is SIlent Bob says that a lot of the gaming companies are actually all like "no we're fine with it".


How many games have you guys been excited about, and/or stumbled upon completely accidentally, thanks to 20+ minute Let's Play or similar type of content on The Biggest Free Video Streaming Site Ever? I'm guessing more than zero... And unlike music or even movies/tv, watching a streaming clip is no substitute for actually playing the game (i.e. buying it as a result of being excited, that's the reality that amazingly the gaming companies are not all ignoring.) So... #whew?

Title: Re: Youtube starting to get pressured to remove "Let's Play" footage!?
Post by: Mr. Analog on December 23, 2013, 04:27:14 PM
The day it happened AngryJoe had a pretty good rant about it:

The sad thing is you can STILL find movies, tv shows and whole records on YouTube and the tagging system for that stuff has been in operation for months without doing much. Now you have guys who are getting flagged for all sorts of bull@%&#.

YouTube is stabbing itself in the face YET AGAIN
Title: Re: Youtube starting to get pressured to remove "Let's Play" footage!?
Post by: Darren Dirt on December 23, 2013, 04:33:02 PM
Quote from: Mr. Analog on December 23, 2013, 04:27:14 PM
The sad thing is you can STILL find movies, tv shows and whole records on YouTube and the tagging system for that stuff has been in operation for months without doing much. Now you have guys who are getting flagged for all sorts of bull@%&#.

Yeah it's easy enough now to "re-frame" your video footage, or make it appear at a slight diagonal angle, or be 1.1x playback speed etc. so the automatic scanning stuff can't recognize it as MegaCorp's IP ... whereas legit commentary and education and satire gets flagged and presumed guilty and one-two-three strikes you're out, good-bye Youtube channel that you've honestly maintained for dozens of months!
Title: Re: Youtube starting to get pressured to remove "Let's Play" footage!?
Post by: Mr. Analog on December 23, 2013, 04:39:22 PM
The thing that surprised me though was that stuff that got flagged wasn't even game video, one of AngryJoe's videos was an interview he did with developers. THE PUBLISHER CLAIMED OWNERSHIP OF HIS INTERVIEW.


Between this and all the Google+ BS that went down earlier this year, the comments turning into even more of a cesspit... the forcing of channel name changes... broken popularity algorithms... well I wouldn't be surprised if we see a rival YouTube appear. Right now they can pretty well ignore negative stuff like this with impunity because they are the top dog, but honestly if enough content creators bail it will be justice to see the bloaty arrogant YouTube system cave in on itself.
Title: Re: Youtube starting to get pressured to remove "Let's Play" footage!?
Post by: Darren Dirt on December 23, 2013, 04:41:34 PM
Quote from: Mr. Analog on December 23, 2013, 04:39:22 PM
The thing that surprised me though was that stuff that got flagged wasn't even game video, one of AngryJoe's videos was an interview he did with developers. THE PUBLISHER CLAIMED OWNERSHIP OF HIS INTERVIEW.


AND the publisher would refuse to release that video even if the interviewees were okay with it, amirite?

Geez if only the MegaCrops realized that viral sharing of epic awesomeness like this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LhcParuzpc) makes people open their eyes to stuff and spend actual money$ to buy DVDs, tickets to tours, etc. Give 'em a free taste, the customers will get hooked and be paying for the rest of their lives -- now where have I seen that business model on display (and how successful was/is it?)
Title: Re: Youtube starting to get pressured to remove "Let's Play" footage!?
Post by: Mr. Analog on December 23, 2013, 05:02:26 PM
Don't get me wrong, I get their dilemma. The choice they have is this: the cost of shutting down people uploading potentially copyright infringing material vs going to court to fight for the users' rights... probably works out cheaper to just shaft your users, who pay for nothing, who consume your resources (but also build your business).

Being the greedy cowards they are they would rather bite the hand that brings in the views then even potentially get stuck in a X'dy-dollar lawsuit, they figure they have enough users rolling in all the time that losing a few uploaders that may be hosting copyright questionable content wouldn't matter because more uploaders would fill in the gaps, but the thing is if it gets too poisonous or costly for people to care to upload content the real content will go somewhere it can be hosted where fair use is actually enforced.

So the people that play through the entirety of Beyond Two Souls or something get flagged (and rightly so!) but the people who are doing a review would continue on.

Heck there's a grey area there anyway, much like Mystery Science Theatre 3000, I'm not there to watch the whole thing I'm there for the reactions too, people who play through games with decisions (Walking Dead, etc) and do a running commentary is really fun to watch and has influenced my buying patterns (they're having SO MUCH fun, etc), but to YouTube this is just another person who's posted more than x-amount of content from the game and should be clapped in irons or whatever

Title: Re: Youtube starting to get pressured to remove "Let's Play" footage!?
Post by: Tom on December 23, 2013, 05:11:37 PM
Most of the issues this time around was purely due to Youtube's own @%&# up. Almost none of the game companies that owned or developed the games ever even put in the claim. It was the Content ID system @%&#ing everything up after a change to how it detects things.

Coding Goofup imo. a rather bad one. But its pretty typical for youtube and google in general. They don't seem to test anything they push out, and it takes em weeks or more to fix any of it.
Title: Re: Youtube starting to get pressured to remove "Let's Play" footage!?
Post by: Darren Dirt on December 15, 2015, 01:17:32 PM
This is the FUNNIEST down-to-earth response/analysis of the ContentId fiasco of 2013.

From some anime review guy who is freakin' HILARIOUS (watch his "trannel chailer" oops I mean channel trailer ** ).


^ video title: "? Content IDs get on your knees [The Content ID System And YOU (100% original video DO NOT STEAL)] ?"

(video DESCRIPTION includes a beautiful slight-modification of "Section 107" of copyright law. And also this profound truth: "...if you would like to purchase my Evangelion mouth clarinet cover then go to iTunes and have a serious reevaluation of your life choices made thus far")

comedy gold.

** https://www.youtube.com/user/DouchebagChocolat/videos
like a non-gaming American "Yahtzee".
Title: Re: Youtube starting to get pressured to remove "Let's Play" footage!?
Post by: Mr. Analog on December 15, 2015, 01:39:06 PM
The thing is YouTube has scared off a lot of content creators both trough policy and changing how revenue is calculated, big guys like PewDiePie don't have to worry but all the middle tier people had to band into networks to stay alive and if you are a relative nobody you have to work HARD... and they wonder why twitch streams with donation buttons "became a thing"

The other thing about copyright strikes is that if you HAD monetized the video that money goes to the claimant, so I had a twitch stream with GTA stuff that I pushed to YouTube, I forgot to disable the radio and got copyright claimed, now I doubt VERY HIGHLY that that video will make any money but if it does it goes to some record company. Because y'know that video is THE BEST way to listen to that song for free on the internets
Title: Re: Youtube starting to get pressured to remove "Let's Play" footage!?
Post by: Darren Dirt on December 17, 2015, 09:17:04 AM
Quote from: Mr. Analog on December 15, 2015, 01:39:06 PM
The thing is YouTube has scared off a lot of content creators both trough policy and changing how revenue is calculated, big guys like PewDiePie don't have to worry but all the middle tier people had to band into networks to stay alive and if you are a relative nobody you have to work HARD... and they wonder why twitch streams with donation buttons "became a thing"

Yeah. The only good thing that came out of this badly-managed ContentId enforcement-mania of 2013-2014? It triggered so many funny/angry videos like the one I shared  ;D

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uq07bZq0bcc#t=39s worth a watch if you didn't already -- starting @ 39 seconds.