UNIMOG - they're awesome!

Started by Thorin, December 23, 2014, 03:27:39 PM

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Given that I'd love to some day have enough money and free time to go off-roading for funzies, I've been learning about 4x4 systems for years now.  I've been enamoured with UNIMOGs for a while, but just recently learned that they have the same high-ground-clearance portal axles that Hummers use (at least, the real Hummers, not H2/H3s).  When I found out that they had portal axles, I had to look up some more videos.

Holy gods, that's a lot of levers to drive: http://youtu.be/IzRpgzQvglo

And this is a really long UNIMOG sales video, but the more I watch the more amazed I am at what obstacles they can overcome: http://youtu.be/P7GNqKdgZiI

And some guys rock-crawling over terrain I'd have trouble walking: http://youtu.be/X3scRYxA_b8

That is one hell of an off-road vehicle.  And the only one I've ever seen where the frame is intentionally designed to twist back and forth.
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful