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Optimus Keyboard

Started by Mr. Analog, July 14, 2005, 12:14:17 PM

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Mr. Analog

 I dunno kinda neat the key displays would be programmable.

Coral link
By Grabthar's Hammer


 o how I wish that was a real product!!!.

Mr. Analog

 The plan is to use OLEDs, but I dunno isn't the lifespan of an OLED only 2 yrs or so?
By Grabthar's Hammer


 Reminds me of my ZBoard, only light-up. In fact now that I'm reminded of it I'm tempted once again to get a new keyset the next time I'm in the proximity of a good (NOT BCOM) computer or entertainment store.

Mr. Analog

 Wait 'till Frag when the ZBoard guys come...
By Grabthar's Hammer


Quote from: "Mr. Analog"The plan is to use OLEDs, but I dunno isn't the lifespan of an OLED only 2 yrs or so?
yes, unless you like blue, then its even less

I was thinking Zboard as well, but with all sorts of cool hacks.

Imagin when your screen saver kicked in you could use it as one large display to scroll a message or something..

Or how about having it react to each key press by changing button color or something..

It might be cheaper and more reliable if they did it with

Mr. Analog

 It would certainly change the form factor if they could use something like eInk
By Grabthar's Hammer


 Hazing used a ZBoard, they are junk.  No offense to the people that bought them, but nothing can replace a good erganomic and feature rich keyboard.  Sure the keys are mapped, but i find im always remaping anyways, so these things just dont cut it.  Also the $30 for each keyset is a little...large :P

As for this keyboard....looks damn cool.  I wish this was legit.  However im still annoyed at the lack of "features".  Its still a standard keyboard.  While it would be great for the office, i enjoy the added enhancements of a well thoughtout Logitech.


Quote from: "Shayne"Hazing used a ZBoard, they are junk.  No offense to the people that bought them, but nothing can replace a good erganomic and feature rich keyboard.
Probably a lot of that is very personal as im very particular of the keys.  I like the laptopish lightness of my current board, and i felt like the Zboard was a hair away from a 1950s typewriter.

Mr. Analog

 I can't stand ergonomic myself, it's QWERTY or nothin'

My preferred keybaord is the IBM Model "M", which is just about the perfect keyboard I reckon. it's heavy so it doesn't move around, the buttons have a lot of spring and everything's where it should be. I'll be bringing a more differenter keyboard to Frag though, the Model M I like for coding, not so much for gaming.

One thing is universal though, I hate these POS Dell quietkey keyboards that I'm forced to mash on here...
By Grabthar's Hammer


Quote from: "Mr. Analog"I can't stand ergonomic myself, it's QWERTY or nothin'
By ergonomic i dont mean those lame ass split keyboards.  Im more talkking about profile, and feel.

Mr. Analog

 Here's my baby!

It weighs nearly 5 lbs!
By Grabthar's Hammer


 From the "Frequently Answered Answers" on the right-hand side of the page:

"Moscow is the capital of Russia"
"Our studio is located two blocks from the Kremlin"

Were there really that many people asking those questions? :|
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful