How well do you know your kids?

Started by Thorin, October 12, 2005, 02:12:56 PM

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For those fathers (and mothers) that read these forums, search this post on JoelOnSoftware for "over the top", and then do the quick-and-dirty quiz that MSHack has entered as a comment...  I scored a two; specifically, I don't know what classes they like most or least, or what they do best or worst at in school.  That's probably because only my oldest gets marks and all his classes are about the same, and neither my oldest nor middle have ever told me they like one class better than another.
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful

Mr. Analog

Well, I would suspect that because your kids are a bit younger that they "like" all of their classes. I can't remember hating one subject or another until about grade 5 or 6...
By Grabthar's Hammer


I have a black cat, and a orange and wite cat.  They like cat food, sleeping, and the occasional bug that makes its way into the apartment.

Darren Dirt

Quote from: "Mr. Analog"Well, I would suspect that because your kids are a bit younger that they "like" all of their classes. I can't remember hating one subject or another until about grade 5 or 6...

Quizes like that serve no purpose other than to make weekend dads feel bad and/or guilty ;) But it's funny, I ask my 2 schoolage kids pretty much once or twice a week about school, including what their favorite class is, or what they like the least, or who their best friend is, etc.

I get a different answer each time. I "kid" you not. :D

- - -

PS: the "quiz" within the discussion page, I scored a "1.5" *grins* ... and "1" came from the basic living arrangement of a separated family  :(

Strive for progress. Not perfection.


Quote from: "Darren Dirt"Quizes like that serve no purpose other than to make weekend dads feel bad and/or guilty ;)

- - -

PS: the "quiz" within the discussion page, I scored a "1.5" *grins* ... and "1" came from the basic living arrangement of a separated family  :(

I didn't take this one, as off-the-cuff as it is, to be serving the purpose of making dads who see their kids only part of the week feel bad.  I took this one to be a good indication of whether you connect with your kids, whether you see them all week or only on the weekend!  The point the user was making was that it's not just how much time you spend in vicinity with the children, it's also how much you actually interact with them.

I know there are times when I come home and I don't really interact with my kids - just get them ready for bed and off they go.  That has subsided in the last two months, ever since I left That Place for This Place.
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful