Eat more steak, and "Remember The Avocado"

Started by Darren Dirt, February 17, 2006, 01:54:58 PM

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Darren Dirt

"Join us at PETP - People for the Ethical Treatment of Plants"


One morning I was horrified to find the avocados missing. Just as the tree approached the prime of its life, my mother had brutally torn away each and every avocado. What was her justification for this outrage? She wanted to make a little guacamole for the house guests.

"Don't worry, son. New avocados will grow back."

How would she feel if someone tore me away and said, "You'll grow another son?"

You can see the products of plant crime in every salad bar in every restaurant in every city in the world. Our farms and processing plants are death factories where plants are confined to tiny, cramped containers until they meet quick, unceremonious deaths. Not even the young are spared - we humans massacre bean sprouts and bamboo shoots in their infancy.

The most diabolical murderers are the vegetarians and vegans, sadists who subsist exclusively on the flesh of slaughtered plants.

The killers say plants are beneath us. They say we have a right to murder plants for our petty fashions, for our culinary pleasures.

We need to put an end to this hateful propaganda.

Satire (I presume -- "Remember The Alamo" haha get it?), but pointedly so :)

Personally, I presume its purpose is to show the arguments PETA uses are pretty specious at best, maliciously dishonest at worst. Something to consider. :)


Linked from the VLF Anti Vegan Home Page.

Strive for progress. Not perfection.

Mr. Analog

For every animal you don't eat, I'm eating three...
By Grabthar's Hammer

Darren Dirt

Um... no... you see, if you follow the "where I found it" link at the bottom you'll see articles like "Humans Are Omnivores"... As much as I appreciate Pam Anderson's... talents... I do not agree with her extreme pro-animal anti-choice-for-humans stance. :)

QuoteThe cruelty against defenseless vegetables and plants must stop! Support the VLF and fight against the brutal plant-killers of this world. Let us eat nourishing and healthy meat instead of slaughtering the oxygen-producing beautiful organisms that lead their lives in silence and oppression from all animals, including human beings.

Just because they don't speak doesn't mean they don't suffer. Imagine the pain a potato must feel when you boil it! Or how a tomato screams in silent agony when you slice it with a sharp knife!

Our ancestors knew this, they hunted down and slayed the giant plant killing mammoth and ate it's red raw meat with pleasure.


Strive for progress. Not perfection.


Quote from: "Arrogant Worms"Carrot juice contitutes murder/V8's genocide!

I think they said it best...  Lyrics to whole song here.
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful


Celery hearts, baby carrots, roasted pimento, reduced tomatos, dehydrated peppers. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm. Hearts, babies, roasted, reduced, dehydrated. All sounds like things that are either A) tortures or B) things you shouldn't be eating ever.

Last night I took a potato, cooked it, and spread it with the whipped byproduct of the lifeblood of corn. Double vegicidally delicious! :P

Mr. Analog

Veggies "scream" on an electromagnetic level when they are picked, damaged or eaten.
By Grabthar's Hammer

Darren Dirt

Quote from: "Mr. Analog"Veggies "scream" on an electromagnetic level when they are picked, damaged or eaten.

Same with kittens.

Just found out this weekend.

Who knew? ;)

PS: Arrogant Worms, gotta luv 'em -- their "Happy Happy Birthday" song is fantastic :)

Strive for progress. Not perfection.