Tom Clancy's Rainbox 6 - Vegas 2

Started by Melbosa, April 24, 2008, 02:38:12 PM

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So I really want to get into this one, but I was doing some reading today, and found this little piece of interesting information (official forums thread):

This one post is especially nice:
    Originally posted by Raide:
    Now that bigger Hard Disk Drives are available, I never seem to notice this problem

Hardware improvement is more and more used as an excuse for software developers to do less. It's like ''Yeah, CPUs are more powerful, so let's not bother about optimizing this code and long life to bloatware''! Now we have that same kind of reasoning with the HDD space, so developers feel like they can cram them with those mostly useless crash reports. For God's sake, the software isn't installed on the HDD of a developer debugging the game, it is installed on the HDD of a customer using the final product; once the software has reached this location, it shouldn't crash anymore to begin with...

    Originally posted by Raide:
    This is pretty much part of being a PC user and keeping up with regular PC maintenance. Shady

There is maintenance and maintenance!

No application should cram the HDD of a customer with such huge crash reports that are totally useless at this stage.

Also, Ubisoft often said they wanted the PC user to have the same experience than console players with this game - FAILED! This game almost requires sysadmin competences to be played, for example, first being able to spot that the space on the HDD is being sucked up to begin with, then being able to locate what application is doing that, and then, requires the manual removal of all those huge files that are not even contained in a separate folder that could be deleted in one single shot.

I understand that most PC gamers are comfortable with those manipulations, but seriously, that kind of thing does nothing to make gaming more attractive to casual PC players.

Again, this ''feature'' is already as bad as it is on the PC of a developer, that is, those files are not even gathered in one separate folder called ''core_dumps''; letting that kind of thing sneak out to the PC of the customer is laughable at best.

This is just another example of how careless this corporation is regarding products' quality and polish.

Originally posted by bjmarler1:
''There's a sucker born every minute'' - P.T. Barnum.
Unfortunately UBI is counting on that all the way to the bank
Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!
