"Software Does Not Fail"

Started by Darren Dirt, May 01, 2008, 11:16:48 AM

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Darren Dirt

a thought-provoking essay...

Software either works or it does not work. To be said to work, software must do what it is supposed to do. A specification determines what software is supposed to do -- and by implication what software is not supposed to do. ...If software ever worked, it will always work. Always. Software does not wear out. Software does not decay. Software is not vulnerable to environmental insults. Temperature, hot or cold, has no effect on software. Software needs no protection from shock and vibration. Neither moth nor dust doth corrupt software.

...from a really really smart guy.

The author also has a unique sense of humour...
What if there were no hypothetical questions?
Why not ask rhetorical questions?
Count the words in this sentence before you read it. Since this sentence is false, do not read it. Without the tenth word, this sentence would have no end. This sentence ends with beginning. Ending is at the beginning of this sentence.
- http://niquette.com/books/sophmag/elegance.htm

...at times he kinda reminds me of Douglas Adams, or George Carlin.


Strive for progress. Not perfection.