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Bricked, a short film.

Started by Mr. Analog, July 15, 2008, 07:02:11 PM

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Darren Dirt

Quote from: Melbosa on July 17, 2008, 09:41:43 AM
Ahhh but do your definitions change when relating to another subject?  Take sports for example.

As is The Way The World Generally Works, the definitions I gave above are the "common sense" meanings, unless qualified by a specific context (such as "professional" sports league vs. the "amateur" leagues, etc... obv. there may be various degrees of a sports "pro" who makes his income from the sport but is not at the "top level" so is a "semi-pro" or an "amateur" but has no other day job... But in most activities there is no re-naming re-defining of the terminology, IMHO.)

For example, a few years ago Chris Moneymaker won the World Series of Poker as an "amateur" because he was a full-time accountant and only played online for fun, not as a secondary source of income. Once he had the $millions from winning I believe he remained as the accountant, and used his huge bankroll to enter bigger tournaments with the hope of actually turning a profit, so he was now a "semi-pro" poker player. If he had quit his day job and done the same think he woulda became -- without needing some outside authority recognition ;) -- a "poker pro".

And interesting point re. clergy -- but AFAIK any "head clergy" in a religious organization does indeed rely on whatever income comes in from the membership as their Primary Income, so they are "professional" in that respect -- and I doubt there's such a thing as a "semi-pro" priest, let alone an "amateur" one. ;)

Strive for progress. Not perfection.


Professional can mean either a person who pursues a given activity as a means of livelihood (as defined by Mr. Analog earlier), or a person who is highly skilled at an activity (as defined by Melbosa earlier).  I point you to for an exhaustive definition:

Amateur means the opposite of Professional, whether that indicates the person is not attempting to make money at an activity or that the person isn't highly skilled at the activity.
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