New Show: Generation Kill

Started by Thorin, August 16, 2008, 12:00:00 PM

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So I've been watching this new miniseries called Generation Kill.  It's based on the book by the same name written by Evan Wright, a reporter from Rolling Stone that was embedded with one of the most forward Marine units during the invasion of Iraq.  It covers his time while embedded.

If you like fictionalized accounts of actual events, especially modern warfare, I recommend this show.  But don't watch it with kids around - there's a lot of coarse language, some gory scenes, and they won't understand the plotline anyway.

According to Wikipedia, a few Marines actually were demoted, transferred, or not promoted based on the contents of the book.  The Marines that were written about, though, generally agree with and stand behind Evan Wright and what he's written, and that surprised me.

HBO's site for the TV series:
Prayin' for a 20!

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compile successful

Mr. Analog

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