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The Elders

Started by Thorin, May 28, 2012, 11:19:22 PM

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Ever hear of the Elders before?

Me either.  Looks like some people have gotten together and are trying to improve the world.

Okay, here's how I found that:

1. Guy on radio is talking about Richard Branson's visit to BC
2. Guy mentions Branson's invite to BC premier Christy Clark to go kitesurfing
3. Guy mentions Branson's blog post about "dress code" along with picture of a naked woman wrapped around Branson while he's kitesurfing
... interest piqued
4. Check Branson's blog, sure enough there's that pic (everything's covered)
5. See another article, this time about The Elders
... google-google

Nice to see people with power and influence trying to make the world better instead of their wallets fatter.  Still, human nature being what it is, I'm sure this will get warped into some kind of a cash grab eventually.
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful

Mr. Analog

Sadly yes, but several millions points for trying!

We elderly gotta stick together! :P
By Grabthar's Hammer

Darren Dirt

Sometimes the rich folks realize how the material stuff can only satisfy so much ... so they start reaching out to their fellow humuns and try to make the lives of others better or easier or at least have the illusion of happiness. At some point "profit motive" is no longer a factor. I wish to one day be that rich.

"I want to be rich enough to buy an elephant. Not because I want an elephant, I just want to be that rich." -some comedian I heard a decade or two ago. Mighta been Seinfeld, actually (before the TV show).

Strive for progress. Not perfection.