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RSI Abatement

Started by Tom, June 19, 2012, 12:07:46 PM

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So I've been dealing with RSI mostly in my right arm for a few years now. I'm able to keep it in check by just resting when it starts up. But I'm wondering what you all suggest to help it not become an issue to begin with? I have a nice new ergonomic chair, I sit more or less properly at my desk these days. The new keyboard I bought seems to have had a little to do with my current issues, after I started using it, the muscles in my fore-arm felt a bit sore (though I have been typing "more proper" lateley even before I got the new keyboard, with my wrists straight and not resting on the desk/keyboard). I thought I was just getting a good workout on those muscles, as it seemed like I was typing faster (and the keys are  a bit stiffer/have longer travel). But around the weekend I started feeling some normal RSI pain, especially on sunday, so I did my best to do /nothing/ mouse or keyboard like, also took it easy on monday, and today is my normal day off, so taking it really easy today. But its still somewhat bugging me.

I figure you guys have been at this professional programming stuff longer than I have, so you might have some tips I don't know about.
<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!


Posture and position are very important however personally I think breaks are just as important.

I know MANY people who have developed carpel-tunnel and needed surgery to repair it, it is important not to let it get that far.

Research, research research...

Mr. Analog

Talk to your doctor about it, I'd say.

Personally speaking I find when I feel fatigue setting in or even if I've been programming/gaming/drawing for a couple hours I take a break. I also exercise after work with free weights and I find that it helps build strength.

Sometimes changing my seat height or keyboard location helps and/or I try to avoid doing things that put a lot of stress on my joints (like I can only use the Path tool when doing vectors in Photoshop so long before I need a break).
By Grabthar's Hammer


fap less

Really, don't do the repetitive activity that is causing the repetitive strain for as long a period as you have been.  Take breaks by standing up, walking around, going to the bathroom, squishing a stress ball, petting a cat, tossing a cat on the couch in disgust because he just peed on you, etc.

And if you're spending 8 hours a day on the computer to program, and another 8 hours a day for leisure activities (forums, games, etc), that's 16 hours a day you're straining the arms and wrists.  So you might need to track your activities for a while and see if work has just made you sit at the computer more thus making the RSI worse.

Posture is right, the better you sit the better you feel.  However, I sit about five different ways, and move from one position to the next throughout the day.  I've found this reduces the fatigue as it's different areas of the body that are placed under strain this way.

Oh, and doing some kind of ball-throwing activity can work wonders for hand agility and flexibility - think tennis ball of the wall for a half hour, or something like that.
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful


Thanks for the tips guys :)

I have seen a dr about it in the past. He suggested a brace. But otherwise wasn't too interested in it.

I do try and take little breaks, and when it gets bad anyway, I force long breaks. as in days at a time. Till it feels better. Its doing quite a bit better right now, tomorrow it should be a lot better (as compared to the weekend). I have a hunch that the work I did a week ago has something to do with this. Work at nearly your top speed for a day? Yeah.

I am going to make tomorrow a light day. Seems the project is slowing down for the moment anyhow, so I don't have to worry about working too fast.
<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!

Mr. Analog

Tonnica has a brace, it works.
By Grabthar's Hammer


Good to know. I'll have to go look for one soon.

Does she need to wear it all the time? How bad is her RSI? As long as I don't over do things (like the week before last), mine seems to not show up.
<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!

Darren Dirt

Quote from: Thorin on June 19, 2012, 02:22:57 PM
petting a cat, tossing a cat on the couch in disgust because he just peed on you, etc.

yer doin' it rong.

then again, my cat seems to know just the time to jump onto my lap and/or keyboard (like when I am about to click "FOLD" in an online poker hand and his sudden weight on my mousing hand moves it over and down just enough to click "RAISE", etc.) but he's usually not able to get any urine out before I do the ol' Andy Samberg move on him...

Quote from: Lazybones on June 19, 2012, 12:17:20 PM
Posture and position are very important however personally I think breaks are just as important.

I realized by this thread that I really don't think much about it, but as I reflect I guess in my old age "breaks ftw". I think only a handful of times in the last 5 years have I consciously made an effort to pay attention to ergonomics of my hand or wrist or arm or back in the middle of being "in the zone"... but I definitely change my posture a lot, either by frequently walk around when thinking or when I achieve a mini "checkpoint" in a larger task or when I gotta ask someone something (everyone is very close to my cube, so unless it's lengthy or involves URLs or other precise details I personally prefer a vocal face to face). Heck even playing CoH for 2+ hours I usually end up doing some web browser checking of something in the middle of it which means my hands/arms will be a different position for at least a short time. Having 2 monitors certainly helps to have a built in "not looking at the exact same pixels for too long" safety net.

Variety is the spice of life, it also helps prevent RSI ;)

Strive for progress. Not perfection.

Mr. Analog

Quote from: Tom on June 19, 2012, 09:49:59 PM
Good to know. I'll have to go look for one soon.

Does she need to wear it all the time? How bad is her RSI? As long as I don't over do things (like the week before last), mine seems to not show up.

Only when it bothers her, ad hoc
By Grabthar's Hammer


Quote from: Mr. Analog on June 20, 2012, 06:19:54 AM
Quote from: Tom on June 19, 2012, 09:49:59 PM
Good to know. I'll have to go look for one soon.

Does she need to wear it all the time? How bad is her RSI? As long as I don't over do things (like the week before last), mine seems to not show up.

Only when it bothers her, ad hoc
Cool. Thanks :)
<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!