new TV show: The Librarians

Started by Thorin, December 23, 2015, 11:02:14 PM

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Yeah, I know, "The Librarians" sounds like it would be really boring, right?  Well...  NO!

It's like Doctor Who mixed with Indiana Jones, there's magic, and ninjas, and super-intelligent oil workers etc etc etc.

Yeah, if I had to describe it in one sentence, it's Indiana Jones with magic for the new millennium.

Definitely, DEFINITELY, worth a watch.

First season was out last year (easily available online I'm sure), second season just started.
Prayin' for a 20!

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My wife and I have been watching since it first came out. Actually it's a spinoff from made for tv movies staring "The Librarian" which I have of anyone is interested.

Also for those whom watched Warehouse 13 you'll jump right into this one.  My wife and i highly recommend The Librarians as well.  Check out the cast list of your interested at all.
Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!


Yeah, I'm able to get the three movies no problem.  I heard the first two or three episodes aren't that good, yet when I watched it they were quite good.  I'm looking forward to watching the rest of season 1 this week.
Prayin' for a 20!

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By the way, important...  This is the 2014 "The Librarians", not the 2007 "The Librarians".  Apparently there's two shows with the same name, according to Plex.  Had to fix the incorrect match.
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
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