Battle Scar -- Max Webster song (their final album) feat. RUSH!

Started by Darren Dirt, January 29, 2015, 09:31:43 AM

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Darren Dirt

A pretty simple, minimal song (considering the talent performing it) but cool because DOUBLE DRUMS (MW's Gary "Stix" McCracken and Rush's Neil PEART!) And double vocals too! (Kim Mitchell and GEDDY LEE) (also Alex Lifeson is in there somewhere -- )

found via
The tune features a heavy, deliberate groove with some incredible double drumming. Despite the fact that two of the greatest rock drummers of the day both play the complex parts, often in unison, the performance still breathes with a well-defined sense of space - a minimalist approach somewhat out of character for both drummers. Taken at a challengingly slow tempo of 62 bpm, McCracken and Peart nail the intense feel perfectly with a balance of muscle and musicianship, keeping their focus on the time without getting carried away with the daring fills that push the tune.


Strive for progress. Not perfection.

Mr. Analog

I am a HUUUGE Max Webster fan, I have all the albums they put out and the CD re-issues, some really great music.

One of the things I like about their brand of rock was the surrealist / almost dada lyrics. My personal favourite album is Mutiny Up My Sleeve

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