System up-time Windows 7+

Started by Darren Dirt, March 13, 2015, 02:36:18 PM

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Darren Dirt

On my home laptop (Win 8.1) there's something in the Task Manager that shows in HH:MM:SS how much "Idle" time so from that I usually get an idea of how long since I last booted (based on CPU quad core, or whatever).

But at work seems like Task Manager in Windows 7 does not show that task for some reason?

So I did a quick Google and found out you can just go to CMD and type SYSTEMINFO and after a few moments of info-gathering you see a line "System Boot Time:" (as a date/time value) ... in Windows 7 you apparently see a line "System Up Time:" (in Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds -- instead of a date/time value).

Found via (I feel a bit "behind the times" though, been around a long time based on )

(PS: another way is to simply go to the "Performance" tab in Task Manager -- below the # of threads/processes, and above the size of Page File, you can see the "Up Time" value in DD:HH:MM:SS)

Strive for progress. Not perfection.


Most workstations will have a max up time of 30days due to Patch Tuesdays...

Patching takes all the fun out of up-time at the OS level.