I want to build a ball pit in my home!

Started by Darren Dirt, March 26, 2015, 12:35:06 PM

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Darren Dirt


"On JoCo Cruise Crazy 3, xkcd?s Randall Munroe told us all about the ball pit in his apartment, and finished by telling us how much it would cost to fill the entire ship with playpen balls. Somebody in the audience asked if we could have a ball pit in the game room next year. Some time ago, the powers that be announced that there will indeed be a ball pit in an inner cabin on JoCo Cruise Crazy 4. Later it became clear that this was all just a ploy to help Paul and Storm fulfill Kickstarter rewards for their next album, Ball Pit, but I?m not complaining."

(or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRc2wkbz9y0#t=1m38s if that link dies)


Strive for progress. Not perfection.


Ball pits are surprisingly relaxing.

But what is the JoCo Crazy Cruise?
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful

Mr. Analog

By Grabthar's Hammer

Darren Dirt

Quote from: Thorin on March 26, 2015, 01:08:02 PM
Ball pits are surprisingly relaxing.
Confirmed! Randall Munroe (in his entertaining talk I linked to) mentioned that a few of his buddies would soon sink slowly and eventually fall asleep. (And he would lose count of how many guests were present!)

Quote from: Thorin on March 26, 2015, 01:08:02 PM
But what is the JoCo Crazy Cruise?
idk. Maybe something like SXSW but for techies/geeks ... and on a cruise?

Seriously though -- "An 8-night Eastern Caribbean cruise on Royal Caribbean's Independence of the Seas, with Jonathan Coulton and friends"

aka "Summer camp for nerds" ; check out the list of guests/performers/talk-givers -- enjoy your nerdgasm


Strive for progress. Not perfection.

Darren Dirt

Even better as a PRANK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7t0EtKlQxyo **
(I am sure many of you have seen some of this guy's other pranks on his woman -- such as the "oops my kid fell over the railing" joke etc.)

** he went quite a bit beyond what Randall did -- this guy ordered 250,000 balls!

Strive for progress. Not perfection.


I was thinking of that prank when I saw this post but couldn't find it.