SCUM -- not your ordinary FPS, not even close

Started by Darren Dirt, September 10, 2018, 05:09:22 PM

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Darren Dirt

I love how many explanatory videos there are already. First closed alpha is running now, by actual marines for reasonable feedback on all the realistic stuff they are shooting for.

But, also, the videos are FUNNY. That helps.

Hate to imagine what kind of rig you need to enjoy the full experience of this frighteningly realistic looking game. The physics, wow, even how wet your clothing and baggage gets can impact your speed and stamina level... But looks all simple and automatically handled. So would be fun trying out different things, different body shapes and attributes [e.g. I am intrigued how the different "awareness" ability level means you might see things clearly farther away / earlier than other players might] etc.

Cliffs: imagine The Running Man combined with [that movie where a bunch of prisoners are stuck on an island in a kind of "Survivor" game] combined with... I dunno, maybe Con Air? :)

Oh yeah I forgot you are on this 144 square kilometer island stuck with other prisoners... and wild animals and zombies. Unarmed combat looks especially fun, and necessary. a few early access reviews...

"What DayZ should have been."

"I had a dream that DayZ devs finaly finished their game. Turned out it was not DayZ, it was SCUM! "

"Game that's a gathering of all promises Day Z made but never delivered + a realism & stat system that makes ARMA look like f*cking Habbo Hotel."


Strive for progress. Not perfection.

Mr. Analog

But can I do a goofy dance and buy weird outfits? :rofl:
By Grabthar's Hammer

Darren Dirt

Even better! You can find a can opener and be stuck behind stairs while zombies can't quite reaxh you and also be attacked by a vicious bear that glitches in and out of reality!

The incomparable Vito.
Vito playing Scum.

"I suck at SCUM"

It is more entertaining than you could ask for.


Strive for progress. Not perfection.