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Death Star Subwoofer

Started by Mr. Analog, July 19, 2005, 01:04:36 PM

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Mr. Analog

 With the Death Star Subwoofer you can finally show those Alderaanians who's boss...
By Grabthar's Hammer


 Haha, that things cool!  Now if only the had a 3d holographic display table...
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful

Darren Dirt

 :o this guy has a great geeky sense of humour...ROFLMAO... :D

Question & Answer

  Q: is the speaker easily interchangeable with any other 12" subwoofer? 
  A: Yes, totally interchangable Regards Andy

  Q: How about a real question... Is the stand included?
  A: Yes, the stand is included... and the speaker cable adorned with gold plated 4mm plugs.

  Q: Will it include any anti-attack firing batteries to ensure my girlfriend doesn't mount a sneak attack? I suspect she is a rebel sympathizer.
  A: It's defenses against girlfriends are a known weakness... hence the reason it's on ebay :)

  Q: Look at the size of that thing!
  A: Cut the chatter, Red 2.

  Q: Do you still have the plans for this death star or have they been stolen?
  A: I find your lack of faith disturbing...

  Q: If your "deathstar" subwooofer had a stand-up fight with a "borg cube" all-in-1 hi-fi then who'd win and how?
  A: The Death Star can destroy a planet. I can't imagine it would struggle against a gramophone with a built in wireless and auto-reverse cassette deck.

  Q: Please can you confirm whether it is the black or red thermal exhaust port that leads directly to the Main Reactor?
  A: You are part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor!

  Q: Does it have an artifical gravity generator?
  A: No, it relies on real gravity.

  Q: What sort of defenses does it have, if on the off chance.. there is a Rebel attack. I don't really want to cough up for this only to have it destroyed by some pesky X-Wing fighters.
  A: It protects itself by oscillating the atmosphere around it at low frequencies. An X-Wing would fall apart before it got close.

  Q: I appreciate you not being able to offer shipping - would you be able to give me a hand loading it? I don't think it will fit in my car, do you think it would be possible to get it on a roof rack? Thanks.
  A: I can give you a hand of course. Being a sphere I'm not sure it would be suitable for a roof rack. I've never tried, but it would probably go in a hatch back with the seats down.

  Q: I have a "Cloud city on the gas planet Besbin" AV receiver. Are they compatable?
  A: The Death Star cannot be powered by line level alone, you could not destroy a planet with line level. It needs an external amplifier, you can buy mine :)

  Q: Does it include a tractor beam?
  A: For health and safety reasons I decided not to include a tractor beam. If you recall, it all started to go wrong for Darth Vader following the use of such a device.
  Q: If I can't collect, can it fly through space to me instead?
  A: That would require a pilot of considerable skill.

  Q: A speaker you say? so it's NOT a moon. Do I get lots of little Storm Troopers living in it too??
  A: I'm unable to disclose this information, you may be part of the Rebel Alliance.

And to get an idea of the moon-sized scale of this baby, here's a few choice pics from the "plans" page linked above:

The Evil (Empire) Plans... Quite detailed, ain't they?

No, that is not a midget working on it - wouldn't he be kinda short for a... never mind.

Also serves in a pinch as a wrecking ball!


Strive for progress. Not perfection.