Stock prices: Microsoft vs. Apple vs. Google

Started by Darren Dirt, September 26, 2005, 10:53:33 AM

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Darren Dirt

My brother has his OSX Tiger set to have a desktop widget always displaying the stock price of M$ vs. Apple. (Jobs is, understandably, one of his heroes).

Below I include a link to a past-year summary of these stocks, but also include the astounding climb of Google (!) -- very interesting to compare the 3 ain't it...

Microsoft vs. Apple vs. Google has much shorter URLs: M$ vs. Apple vs. Google <-- (!) 5 year trend is even more amazing

Strive for progress. Not perfection.


Stock prices mean nothing :)  Market Cap is where the true details are.


MSFT: 272,209.89M

GOOG: 93,727.00M

AAPL: 44,678.00M

...ya, so like even though Microsoft has a stock price of near $20, and google at $300, Microsoft is nearly 3 times as large in market weight.

<-- Economics Major.


Err, I would have rather invested in Google than Microsoft in the last 12 months...  Market capitalization be damned.
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful


Quote from: "Thorin"Err, I would have rather invested in Google than Microsoft in the last 12 months...  Market capitalization be damned.

Who wouldnt ;)  The point is that even if google stock was $1000, they would probably still be worth less overall then Microsoft and that looking at straight stock value is a worthless.

Most of my investements are in Canadian financial sector.  With the Canadian dollar over $0.85/US the economy is red hot (despite what a few exports say).