WinXp SP3 in the works

Started by Lazybones, September 30, 2005, 02:48:51 PM

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Im jumping onto VISTA the day it comes out, sure it might not be the greatest eXPeriance, but based upon what ive seen and used in Beta 1, im excited.  Granted XP will probably be the "faster" OS, but as i become less of a PC gamer and more of a PC user i want the extra stuff.  (they also need to release an affordable server OS for private home use (maybe webserving))

As for an SP3, this will probably be the Service Pack that sees Avalon and Indigo brought to XP


Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!


Quote from: "Shayne"Im jumping onto VISTA the day it comes out

Whereas my family and I can't see the justification to spend $1,000 on upgrading software on three machines when the existing software works well enough...

I'll be getting Vista when I buy a new machine with it pre-installed.  I don't think I'll even bother trying to get a cracked version!
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful

Darren Dirt

Quote from: "Shayne"Granted XP will probably be the "faster" OS, but as i become less of a PC gamer and more of a PC user i want the extra stuff.  (they also need to release an affordable server OS for private home use (maybe webserving))

Wow, if I could honestly say the phrase "I am becoming less of a PC gamer" I would certainly find myself ending the phrase "and more of a [anything other PC] user" -- Linux or Mac; M$ has blown their chance time and again to wow me when it comes to stability, security, AND features in the OS itself; games be the only reason I haven't got a second box where I can play with Linux or OS X -- and if M$ keeps being stupid with forcing "validation" and other crap like that maybe I'll stay with XP until I no longer play any games ;)

Strive for progress. Not perfection.


Didnt Apple just release a massive patch, and doesnt Linux have MASSIVE updates on a hourly basis?  Besides a $0 router (gotta love rebates) covers me.

Web edition would be choice, but its not exactly easily "available".  I bet i could get a copy through Memory Express maybe.  However since R2 is right aroudn the corner, probably best to wait.

$1000 for 3 machines sounds about right.  I run XP on my main, and 2K on my other 2 (i doubt they will ever see an update).  Im guessing the "Ultimate Edition" will be in the $1000 area as a single machine OS, i wouldnt go to that extreme, but id love the enhanced functionality of the media pc, etc.


Quotedoesnt Linux have MASSIVE updates on a hourly basis?
That might be because it has a MASSIVE number of applications. Just a thought. The kernel itself isn't released all that often, and I rarely find a NEED to upgrade to the latest/greatest kernel. Belive it or not, all my hardware is detected for me, just like in windows, except theres no annoying popups. a week ago or so I installed one of my TV cards, and magically after a reboot, all the drivers were correctly loaded \o/.
<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!


How are those "enhanced keyboards" treating you?  fantastic i bet.  I have yet to find a linux that supports any features on my Logitech keyboard and mouse.

While driver support surely is picking up the pace in Linux and i commend them for it.  It truely is a wonderful thing that drivers for 32,000 devices are stored on your computer, just incase you use that 8 year old Adaptech SCSI card, or that 3200 baud modem you got in the box.

The primary issue with Linux is actually the true amount of choice.  While choice is good, having 19 media players and 6 different guis installed by the "next next next" installation makes it hard for most people.

Anything you can do in Linux i can do in Windows and normally with better software.