The Web Way - a philosophy

Started by Darren Dirt, October 04, 2005, 12:54:24 PM

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Mr. Analog

We can still discuss these topics, we just have to leave emotion out of it. Remember; in writing never assume your inflection comes accros.

Now, to be precise it's not that you were making a joke, and Lord knows Microsoft is a big enough target, but did you stop to think that not everyone agrees with that generalization? To me, it seems that you were implying that Microsoft does not employ a design philosophy. That they do not embrace scalable internet architechture. They are ignorant to change, standards, etc. Maybe some of this is true, but some of it is probably a bit unfair, even for the sake of a joke. If this was not the discussion you wanted to get into, then don't pose the question (rhetorical or not) someone will probably answer and feel a little wounded for you having said so. Please don't assume other readers agree and appreciate points of view, jokes or even anecdotes, it can (and as we saw with this thread, will) result in someone feeling like they are a target or that only a single (incorrect?) view is being presented.

Hope this is clear :)

P.S. There happens to be a lot of trolling on this forum, but it is usually ignored because we all know each other in real life and it's unfortunate that things get out of control, so from now on when I make a post in preview mode I'm going to say "who would this piss off" and if the answer is "anybody here" I might want to edit it a little to be a bit less abrasive but still get my point accross. Mind you, if my point was to stir some @%&# up then I have only myself to blame for starting a flamewar...
By Grabthar's Hammer


Actually, is by far the most impressive language site on the net.  Every page in the documentation has comments and normally code examples.  While developing near exclusively in PHP for 4 years, was the only website i visited for information.

Download the trial of Zend Studio, for coding php no other studio compares.

I could go into it more about the greatness of the language, but its a bit off topic here.

Darren Dirt

Quote from: "Tonnica"I've tinkered with PHP just a little bit before, but I'll most likely be jumping right into developing (just like I did with ColdFusion). Any suggestions for good resource sites? (aside from the obvious like

Like most languages, find sample snippets (commented would be nice), especially chunks of code that do complex things that you understand "what" is being done so now you can translate the "how", knowing how you'd do it in another language. Case in point: many of the forums/BBS apps out there, including this one :)

Heck, maybe Shayne will let you reverse engineer and continue work on his Mars Project?  :|

Oh, and the EPL (library) has only a few titles, but one decent reference I grabbed for 3 weeks goes from basics to advanced, it's worth perusing for while you surf and play around and break working code -- but prolly won't be worth a purchase once you've gone through it all: SAMS "Teach yourself PHP in 24 hours" (2nd ed.) by Matt Zandstra

...and of course, online reference cards/tiger scrolls...

Strive for progress. Not perfection.


Not a bad idea, i could probably upload the source code for TMP.  Its pretty messy, but very very powerful in what we were able to accomplish.


Quote from: "Shayne"Not a bad idea, i could probably upload the source code for TMP.  Its pretty messy, but very very powerful in what we were able to accomplish.

That would be pretty freakin' awesome!

Thanks for the suggestions guys. I know my post was a bit offtopic. In the end though, as I move on to PHP I want to learn the language in a way that allows me to cover important web design philosophies I use. I'm big on extensibility, even if it's a tiny webapp. Lord knows making that part of my design considerations has saved my butt multiple times when the client came back for more updates!

PHP has classes that can extend with inheritance. Sweet! Re-useable classes here I come!