Bedroom coders are artists, just as much as animators etc.

Started by Darren Dirt, October 25, 2005, 12:41:03 PM

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Darren Dirt

Gamasutra article: "The Bedroom Coder’s Business Model (More Fun, Less Ferrari)"


Remember the old days? You know, when computers were extremely interesting machines with incredible potential, and you just had to have one for yourself? Mess about, hack, read, code, write, whatever. Sooner or later you got into games: playing them, thinking about them, designing them, coding games of your own – generally burning the candle at both ends into the wee, small hours.

What happened? Where did the frontier spirit go?

I just happen to have stumbled across this magic formula called ‘The Bedroom Coder’s Business Model’ that makes it all possible. However, be careful, because none of the corporate minded employers in the industry wants you getting any crackpot ideas that you can down tools and give up work before the gold master is released. You’ll thus hear quite a few decrying this magic formula, saying it’s mumbo jumbo, mixed up nonsense, and that it’ll never fly.


So what are your primary objectives? How about these:

1) To survive

2) To have fun and a comfortable lifestyle

3) To create art, to make games according to one’s own ideals

Feel free to change the order of priority as you see fit.

^ I think I'm gonna go read Ayn Rand's "The Fountainhead" again... The Howard Roark in me is surfacing :)

Strive for progress. Not perfection.