Matrix: Path of Neo

Started by Melbosa, December 06, 2005, 01:17:12 PM

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So on the weekend, a friend of mine, and myself took on this game.  We made it through the whole trilogy to the end.  It has about 30 hours of game play in it.  Worth playing through if you can over look 2 aspects: Gun targeting and every-once-in-a-while bad camera angles.  We haven't finished it yet, as the ending is totally redone for the game (being dead doesn't really make for a good game ending), but found it overall to be a blast to play through.

So if you have time, or interest, I suggest going through the game.  Slow at first (as with the movies your not very powerful after first awakened).  The multi-smith fights are awsome, as well as the frenchman's house.

Check it out.
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