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Laptop Opinions

Started by Fedora Gal, February 21, 2006, 09:22:03 AM

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Mr. Analog

The only time I found the laptop I owned (PowerBook) really useful was at school word processing, otherwise you can't beat the comfort of a full size PC.

A shuttle PC and a decent LCD monitor with GearGrip would be the way I'd go (but that's just me).
By Grabthar's Hammer


If you ordered a Lattitude, you can get the DELL D-View stand and port replicator... we use those alot in the office.. On the larger display laptops they are very nice.

Fedora Gal

Don't get me wrong, I'm keeping my desktop, and it will still be my primary computer while at home, and also for Frag! The laptop is more for a traveling thing, and because I just got a full-time job at Shaw, and will be working double duty as Business Manager for my dad as well as working at Shaw, the laptop may become a necessity basically so I can just get stuff done.

Gaming will not be it's primary use, but I want the better graphics card (which according to Tom's Hardware performes better than the 6800 Ultra's) and would prefer a little more ram, so that I am able to run the games anyway. Kinda a personal perk :)

As for the monitor, yeah that was basically a frill, don't really need the bluetooth either but it was only $50. Network card, no idea, that's just the default that came with it (wireless that is) it also comes with a reg internal 10/100. Which is what I would mainly be using as don't have wireless at home or the office, and Shaw would kill me if I hooked into their network while on site :)

Good point about the XP, I just naturally always pick the Pro version hehe, and excellent point about the warrenty to Mel. I checked out Alienware's prices and by far dell has the better deal, I get more bang for my buck with them.

I am kinda curious about the duo processors though, does that make a big difference? I noticed they use DDR2 ram, and the FSB is way higher, as well the clock speeds of course. I hear they are wicked when doing applications, and should make 3D work on the laptop a little smoother.
When the going gets tough, the tough make lemonade!


Haven't heard very much about the Intel Core Duo - they're the brand-new dual-core low-power-consumption chip.  I'd be scared of teething problems or compatibility, myself, having been burned way long ago by Dell's original stance on RDRAM vs DDR (I got stuck with the stupidly expensive RDRAM in my machine :().  Dual-core chips do make your computer appear to work faster, same as dual-chip designs.  Sometimes the applications being run on the dual-core chips only allow for one thread (meaning that all processing happens on a single core) - in those cases it's all about the power of the processor.  Most applications are multi-threaded these days (meaning the processing will occur on whatever core is available right then).  From what I've heard (first from Lazy, then read online), games are frequently single-threaded.

Here's a thought about the Intel Core Duo: it shuts down part of the processor when it doesn't need it to conserve power.  The battery life will be quite reduced if you're running RAM- and CPU-intensive processes such as 3D work.  Hope you've got a plug-in available at work :P

Parting thought: Get a wireless router for at home.  The coolest thing about a laptop is being able to use it while reclined on your bed or couch.  I think, anyway.
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful


I still don't really get what your requirements for a laptop are, but that's only cause I know both jobs your going to be doing, and neither has the need for a laptop.

I wouldn't take your laptop to work on Shaw's call centre, as that can be taken the wrong way - waisting company time with personal equipment.  It's one thing when you use it for work, but I don't see it being used at Shaw for that purpose - especially without a network connection.  And the other side, working for the Memorial bus' as the Business Manager, you won't be on the road much either, its more book keeping, purchases, and inventory.

I just think $3000+ money of yours over 2 years could be put to better things, like debt or down payment on condo/house.  I know the hardware you run for a home PC and its fine for at least another year or so for gaming.  I know what you do mostly at both jobs, hense my delima on why you want a laptop - minus the coolness/occassional time it would be useful.  If you really want one, then drop the gaming reqs, save a lot of money, and get a strickly business one instead.

Just my two cents to play devils advocate.  You will spend your money on what you want, always have.
Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!


Ya, paying for any system over time can be a pain.. I know my previous computer caused me all sorts of problems, it just wasn't a good idea to have sunk so much money into it on credit.. It took a long time for me to recover from it.

Fedora Gal

I've always kinda wanted a laptop, it is just basically a frill option and it's not a definitive just a thought I'm looking at. New job does give me a lil extra spending cash... and will be working 2x jobs to get ahead.

As for using the laptop at Shaw.... not during working hours silly, I don't want to get fired, more for breaks/lunch. Or if I get in early or something. Also laptop good for road trips when doing installs of the headstones, keep me occupied during actual work when sitting in the car for 8 hours.
When the going gets tough, the tough make lemonade!


Just to note, even on an 8 hour battery, you will prob only get about 2 hours max of gaming time... better get an inverter for the car.
Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!