- build custom Google/Yahoo maps w/out API

Started by Darren Dirt, March 09, 2006, 12:30:42 PM

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Darren Dirt - build custom Google/Yahoo maps without knowledge of the API... or even Javascript!

Quote is an Web2.0 service or rapid mashup development tool to build custom Google and Yahoo maps without any knowledge of the Google/Yahoo Maps API and JavaScript. MapBuilder provides a decent visual interface for the map building process with geocoding and import features. Also MapBuilder lets users tag locations on their maps, and then publish the map either on or their own website.

As a short summary I would like to say that Map Builder is:

- a great tool for webmasters, webdevelopers, people who likes mapping at all.

- an excellent resource to get started with Google or Yahoo maps.

- a good resource to build communities around your maps or just start collaborated map development.

"Featured Project Link" from ("Google Code, Google's place for Open Source software")

...I guess this way Art Bell and the like can just directly link to stuff like this crop circle?

Strive for progress. Not perfection.

Mr. Analog

Y'arr finally I can make some good pirate maps...
By Grabthar's Hammer


"Life is make up of 2 types of people...
50% of People who do want to do things
50% of people who do not want to do things
The rest are all forced to do things."