Edmonton Normal Weather Stats 1971-2000

Started by Darren Dirt, March 15, 2006, 12:26:53 PM

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Darren Dirt

I've heard somewhere that Edmonton gets almost the most sunshine per year out of anywhere on the planet.

And that we get the equivalent amount of precipation in snowfall+rain as Vancouver gets in the average year.

Is it true? Who knows... but these stats might help! (I was shocked to find out that 1 in 6 days we have windchill of -20 or colder, and 2 out of 3 days we have no precipitation at all (neither rain nor snow). About 1 day in 7 we have snowfall, but our day with the highest "Humidex" still resulted in only feelign a like a way-less-hot-than-Arizona/NewMexico 38 degrees. Our hottest day in history was only 35Celsius... and the coldest day *ever* (both with windchill and without) was almost exactly one year before I was born :o

painfully long URL

* starts timer to see how long before Melbosa finds the equivalent page for Winterpeg ;) *

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