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Rogue Trooper

Started by Melbosa, September 28, 2006, 09:58:17 AM

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So not a new game by any means (think its been out for quite some time), but played this one for the first time over the weekend (PC Version).  Now you can tell by the menus and such that this is a console game first, port second, but the port was done very very well.

I must say, I really liked this game from a unique combat perspective.  Kind of a Kill Switch meets Deus Ex style game, with simplistic leveling up system, but yet requiring effor on the players part above just killing things to level.  The elements of Kill Switch which I really enjoyed in this one was the use of cover and tactics to get your enemies in positions of vulnerability.  You can go through this game Rambo style, although you will be spending most of your salvage on med packs, but I prefer the slient and deadly style more.  The weapon upgrades and style I found very appealing as well.

Haven't tried multiplayer yet, but from what I am reading its co-op up to 4 players but not through the story, over 5 other maps.

My only complaint with this one... too short.

Check it out:
Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!

Darren Dirt

I watched the 3 videos (seem to be mostly gameplay, with some pretty wicked cut scenes) ; I kinda like the "sneaky" aspect: stealth moves, holo-projections, mines, remote weapons, etc. -- looks like it might be fun to "play dirty" ;D

Also, filed under "didntknowthis": it's got a comic book source!
PSW review sez "...with sprawling, non-linear missions and such rich source material, this could be just the antidote to tired comic book pilfering..." :)

Strive for progress. Not perfection.