Resistance: Fall of Man Review

Started by Lazybones, November 11, 2006, 06:30:13 PM

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Oddly enough I don't think the review compared it to GOW even once...  Sounds like a fairly solid game.

Although the artwork looks good, it lacks the detail of GOW from the look of it.


Ya, i read that review yesterday and I was greatly impressed.  I knew it would kick some ass as the story is very Halo 2 like by the sounds of it.

I didnt think detail would match up with GoW, consider that Epic is betting the farm on this engine, where as Resistance is done by the Ratchet & Clank guys.


It is also worth noting that GOW multi player is only 8 players, where FOM is more battlefield like at around 40!


Also worth noting, FOM has dedicated servers hosting the multiplayer sessions provided by Insomniac, where as all multiplayer run through XBL is P2P


Quote from: Shayne on November 12, 2006, 02:07:40 PM
Also worth noting, FOM has dedicated servers hosting the multiplayer sessions provided by Insomniac, where as all multiplayer run through XBL is P2P

What about EA games? I keep hearing reviews that state EA uses its own match making system that takes you out of normal Live match making?

Makes you also wonder if companies will charge for online play independent of Sony, since Sony doesn't charge for its online service.


Well, the way it appears to me (I'm speaking from what I've seen and read, not what i know), is that Sony's online service is merely a marketplace with a bit of databased profile stuff, all the multiplayer support is up to the companies making games for it.

XBL isn't that fantastic of an online gaming platform itself, really its just a carbon copy of  I would like to see XBL start hosting some uber servers itself.  P2P wont do a 64 person multiplayer game.

Also XBL has a MMORPG it seems " Phantasy Star Universe" comes with its own monthly cost


Around the 50 minute mark of Friday's 1UP podcast they say that CoD3 on the PS3 uses P2P, so that I think goes a long way to showing that the PS3 online network is really just a "do what you want"


I hate to keep pimping this 1Up Podcast, but if you are into games, and enjoy hearing from people that are in "the know" about what is upcoming, news, and other discussion you really should check it out.

In this weeks they discuss the review that was given to R:FOM (8.5) and really they are rather apathetic.  If you have been on PS2 (exclusively) for years and missed out on HL2 (of which it copied greatly) then it will be a great and engaging game, however for the rest of us who did experience HL2, or GoW (first truly next-gen game) it will be rather ho-hum.  A great game, but not to the standard that was hyped.
