Marvel Comics and Army of Darkness combine

Started by Melbosa, May 08, 2007, 10:46:43 AM

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QuoteThis is it true believers, the cross-over of the century begins here! The Marvel Zombies come face-to-face with Dynamite Entertainment's Ash from the Army of Darkness! Ash has faced legions of the undead before, but never like this?as he lands in the heart of New York just as the Zombie outbreak begins! See how his actions help turn more heroes and villains into Zombies! Under the watchful eye of Marvel Zombie guru Robert Kirkman, this might just be the comic event of 2007! Plus: The entire series will feature classic ?homage? covers from painter Arthur Suydam!

I thought this was an interesting cross-over.

Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!

Mr. Analog

The Army of Darkness comic has been pretty good so far, lots of humor and over the top gore :)
By Grabthar's Hammer