Top Gear Test Track to appear in Gran Turismo 5

Started by Lazybones, October 24, 2007, 09:33:17 PM

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QuoteIn addition to announcing a collaboration with the BBC Worldwide that will make episodes of Top Gear available through Gran Turismo TV on the PS3, Sony has also revealed that the famed Top Gear test track will also be playable in Gran Turismo 5! Coupled with news that the 40GB PS3 will soon be available in the U.S. for $400 (making it the cheapest Blu-Ray player you can buy), the muscle car of gaming consoles just got a lot harder to resist. How could one resist a black plastic box that plays Blu-Ray discs and lets you imagine yourself as Jeremy Clarkson driving around an abandoned airfield screaming "It's Brilliant!" ? all for four hundred bones? We're in, bring on the virtual Stig.



<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!


NICE! if only I had a PS3 :(  I'd probably just race around that one track trying to be the Stig's time.

Mr. Analog

By Grabthar's Hammer