Story of Melbosa's Weekend

Started by Melbosa, February 09, 2008, 06:52:40 PM

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So I woke up this morning, took my father for donuts and coffee (spent my last $5 on me).  Around 10 AM, he wanted to head to Princess Auto and MemEx.  So we went into Princess Auto, and I found something I wanted.  Went to buy it, and my interac card said Card Cancelled when trying to use it.

Well figured I should call the bank, and turns out at 7AM this morning (Montreal Time - Montreal Locations), someone took a lot of cash from people that they shouldn't have, including me.  Whom ever jacked my card and pin, took over $1200 out of my account, put me in overdraft, and caused the bank to lockout my accounts until I went in.

Well turns out the bank neds 10-14 days to resolve the issue, so now I am using my Line of Credit to float my auto-payments as not to get NSF charges.  As is I will have to go into the bank once this is fixed to get the Line of Credit interest resceneded, as well as in March to get back the OverDraft charges.

Until this is fixed, or next Friday, I have no cash flow, unless I want to pay interest on it.  Bank won't pay me back for those purchases.

And then I was all ready for a date tonight, when I realize #1 I don't have cash, and #2 work calls with massive server crashes... So now I'm at work, no food, no money, fixing stuff for the last 4 hours, and having to cancel my date for the night :(

I'm hoping this is the bads in 3s, but then I see the post from Rae, and realize I can't help out a friend... gah! What a weekend.
Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!

Mr. Analog

Man, that sucks big time...

There's no one you can call in as a backup for the server issue?
By Grabthar's Hammer


Cova said he was busy, but "might" show up.  Oh well, she was kewl about it.
Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!


O man that sucks... There have been a rash of Debit Fraud cases around here. Apparently they swipe the pinpad units and replace them with a modded one with bluetooth.. They then sit near by and collect the data.

I have switched to using my Credit card for more transactions now, and I pay attention to the pinpads now. Many stores have started to attach security lanyards to them to prevent them from being swapped.

I hope you get covered through your bank, as debit cards normally don't have the same level of fraud protection as credit cards because the PIN is supposed to be the defense.


All covered, just going to take a bit to get it all back.
Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!


That is a big bucket of suck Melbosa. Sorry about your weekend.