Bioshock 2 Thoughts?

Started by Mr. Analog, April 21, 2009, 10:50:56 PM

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Mr. Analog

So, teasers and videos are starting to seep in.

I really loved Bioshock 1, but what are YOUR hopes for Bioshock 2?

Personally I'm hoping for a sort of retro-futuristic world, but under the sea. The natural evolution of the Art Deco / Modernist evolution (a la Fallout 3). Some of the rumours talk about being able to actually wander around on the ocean floor which sounds cool.

Of course there's finally the ability to use the Big Daddy's weapons and attacks to fight your way through the game.
By Grabthar's Hammer


I hope it is as good as the first one for the fans.  I, myself, just could not get into the story, but I know some of you really did.

Then again I'm a bit different, as I couldn't get fully into Mass Effect, and that was one of those "must play" games on the 360.
Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!


0 Interest, had not interest in Bioshock so no surprise here.


I'm expecting things to be mostly over the sea. I'm guessing at least the first half of the game will be in the area surrounding the waters where the abductions are happening. What would really be neat for me is if there was an investigative aspect where you need to track down the source of these kidnappings. Maybe even deal with a kidnapped girl who's been purposed as a makeshift "Little Sister" by Big Daddies and the Big Sister. The hulking mentally conditioned splicers may not be able to tell the difference between a regular little girl and their escaped charges. It would be a very natural move from there to get caught up in what's happening and the history of Rapture and be dragged down, below the sea.

The look of the Big Sister is too belt & zipper for my taste. Sure the design looks "stripped down" so it makes more sense that it can move faster but all those straps are almost too baroque for the style of Bioshock.

It look like a gameplay element will be to don the Big Daddy gear to access underwater areas. I've got one particular thing I'd really like to see done with that. To quote a friend of mine:
"- but I highly doubt that you'll end up staying in that suit.


Mr. Analog

I think the big thing that gets the focus is the gameplay, which is not stellar or innovative. The FPS aspect of the game is the mechanism by which the story is told, as I was saying to Tonnica earlier the fun of the game is unlocking the story as you play through not so much shooting wave after wave of enemies (though,that's fun too).

Bioshock 2 is going to be more about "where does the story go" than "how does it innovate game play" I think.

It's sort of like Half Life 2 didn't really build a lot more into the FPS world than its physics engine but the story? Man it sucks you right in!
By Grabthar's Hammer


Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!


Problem for me is that my interest in long story driven FPS games dwindles. I complete HL2 but not the first expansion. I completed Mass Effect but not my second character that I intended to complete. I haven't completed Fallout 3 (partly defective Xbox problem), I just haven't wanted to play.

Mr. Analog

I think I could have wrapped Bioshock in 20 hours if I really tried hard, I got caught admiring the scenery... and often I take month long breaks between gaming sessions...

But anyway, the video looks intriguing.
By Grabthar's Hammer