Batman: Arkham Asylum

Started by Melbosa, June 01, 2009, 09:05:18 AM

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So I've been checking into this one... and wow does it look fantastic! You have to check out these vids, and the cut-scenes look like they are going to be crazy good!

Videos - Wack of Vids - exclusive to the PS3

And the only beef I have with this game... is the last video above!  Look like they built a mini-game to play as the joker and I want to play as him too.... yeah I know - "But Melbosa, you own a PS3".  Well this one is coming out on XBox 360 and PC as well.  And as you all know, I like my 360 best!  Hopefully they release it as downloadable content.

So if you haven't guessed... I'll be buying this one!
Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!